Our customer experience partners

We combine our expertise to offer an optimum service

Experts in customer experience for 13 years, we have contributed to the democratization of this notion among companies, helping to raise awareness of the measurement and improvement of customer satisfaction.

A large ecosystem exists today on this subject. Many experts who started at the same time as us have specialized in specific sectors or targets.

To provide the best advice and support, SatisFactory has created with them the partnerships detailed below:

CX Lab, strategic and operational specialist in customer and employee experience

Today, experience is the engine of your growth and influence. You are no longer chosen for your products or services but for the experience you provide to your customers, your employees and your stakeholders.

So you need a comprehensive experiential strategy.

CX Lab helps you create this strategy and coaches you in the transformation of the customer and employee experience.

H&Care Impact, the satisfaction expert for human service providers

H&Care Impact helps you to improve Quality and Satisfaction by engaging all the stakeholders in the service of your business:

  • Monitoring of satisfaction / e-reputation
  • Audits / Diagnostics / Service standards / Certifications
  • Customer culture / Customer journey and experience / Relationship signature
  • CSR

At your side, a business expert in sectors where the human element is at the heart: retail, restaurants, hotels, senior accommodation.

SatisFactory offers a tailor-made support

Retrouvez nous au salon All4Customer – stand F54

Mardi 01 Avril 2025
Toute la journée de 9h à 18h