Banking & Insurance

Face customer volatility and a new competition focused on the customer experience.

Since 2015, the banking and insurance industry has evolved significantly which has allowed for increased competition.

The Hamon and Macron laws have made it easier for customers to cancel their contracts, and there are some very ambitious new entrants, as well as new offers driven by more specific micro-needs... all the benchmarks are changing in the market.

The importance of online reviews as a decision criterion and the quality of the customer experience has never been so decisive for the industry.

Our case studies

My French Bank
My French Bank
Aréas Assurances
Aréas Assurances
My French Bank

My French Bank

How did listening to the voice of the customer lead Ma French Bank to become customer centric?

Thanks to the continuous improvement that has been put in place!

Find the answers in this case study: their objectives, the system in place as well as the results observed after 1 year of work with SatisFactory.

Download the case study

Aréas Assurances

Aréas Assurances

How to initiate listening to the voice of the customer and involve teams in a customer retention and loyalty process?

This is the question that Aréas Assurances answers in this case study detailing their objectives, the system in place and the results observed after 2 years of work with SatisFactory.

Download the case study



Find out in this case study:


1 - The listening system implemented at Boursorama with the SatisFactory Feedback solution

2 - Feedback from the teams

3 - The new trends in listening to customers in the banking sector

Download the case study

This project allowed us to start developing a customer culture within the company by setting up sustainable and shared satisfaction indicators

Céline Servière, Aréas Assurances

Our references in the sector

Aréas Assurances
My French Bank
Société Générale Insurance

The specificities of the sector

Is it possible to manage several brands within the same Feedback Management program?

Yes, large groups in the banking and insurance sector often group together several entities with specific characteristics.

We manage multi-brand Voice of the Customer programs, with particularities in graphic charters, questionnaires, user profiles and performance indicators.

How to reconcile the need for customer knowledge with the need to collect more customer opinions on the Internet?

To reconcile the two needs, we recommend to propose, at the end of the questionnaire, the possibility to leave a review on Google, Opinion-Assurances, etc...

This way you only have to solicit your customers once, you gather more knowledge about your customers and more opinions on the platforms that matter to you.

Which key indicator(s) to choose?

The customer journey is very rich, as it is made up of several experiences: visit to the agency, subscription journey, call to the Customer Service, claim, addition of a new offer...

It is therefore necessary to set the right indicators to measure the performance of each of them and consider indicators to drive brand attachment.

We invite you to download our case studies or contact us to get inspired by best practices.

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