
Sunday, August 19, 2018

How to set up a customer satisfaction barometer

How to set up a customer satisfaction barometer

As part of a customer satisfaction strategy, the satisfaction barometer is an essential tool. It provides asatisfaction index, enabling us to identify the company's strengths and potential areas for improvement.

For ten years now, SatisFactory has been a specialist in customer satisfaction, supporting its customers in their feedback management strategy. Drawing on this experience, we'd like to share with you our advice on how to set up a customer satisfaction barometer.

Customer satisfaction barometer: definition

Primarily used in the service sector, the customer satisfaction barometer is a tool for assessing customer satisfaction on a regular or even ongoing basis. Indeed, as the name suggests, the barometer is designed to identify trends - whether negative or positive - in customer satisfaction, and to take appropriate action.

To do this, you need to gather information which, once analyzed, can be used to establish a general level of customer satisfaction. It's this level that will then need to be monitored over time to measure changes.

Setting up the barometer: defining objectives

There are 2 main stages in setting up a satisfaction barometer. The first is to define the foundations on which the barometer will be built:

All these points need to be defined upstream to define an effective customer satisfaction indicator.

Results processing

Once this first stage has been completed, the second consists in obtaining the results to build the satisfaction barometer. To do this, we'll be looking to identify :

All this will lead to the creation of a dashboard providing a clear, rapid and precise view of the results, and enabling relevant actions to be taken subsequently. Of course, the analysis must be carried out on a regular basis, so as to be able to assess its evolution over time.

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