01 Avril
Retrouvez nous au salon All4Customer – stand F54
All day from 9am to 6pm
01 Avril
All day from 9am to 6pm
02 Avril
Toute la journée de 9h à 20h
03 Avril
All day from 9am to 5pm
Vous souhaitez mesurer la satisfaction de vos clients par rapport à vos produits ou services ? Et comme la majorité des marques vous souhaitez utiliser le canal email, moins cher mais relativement encombré aujourd'hui, pour cela, il faut vous démarquer et capter l'attention de vos clients pour recueillir leur feedback.
vendredi 06 septembre 2024
SatisFactory and ConsumerLab, both publishers of SaaS solutions, announce that they have joined forces to deploy innovative synergies under the SatisFactory brand. The aim is to reinvent Feedback Management through an enhanced user experience.
wednesday, february 14, 2024
In 2024, customer relationship management faces a major challenge: omnichannel customer feedback. While many companies were once content to use just a few channels to assess their customer experience, changing purchasing behavior and the digital transformation of society have forced brands to adapt.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of every successful business. However, collecting and analyzing customer feedback is not only a means of improving the customer experience, it also represents a goldmine for the marketing department.
Friday, December 15, 2023
Talking about listening to customers may seem, at first glance, like an attempt to penetrate the secrets that customers whisper about a brand in their absence. But it's not!
Customer listening, or more precisely listening to the voice of the customer, is above all a process of openness, a space where customers can freely share their experiences, both positive and negative.
sunday, november 12, 2023
With the ever-increasing proliferation of content to examine, semantic analysis is proving to be an invaluable tool, particularly when it comes to customer feedback. It is now even possible to decipher the emotions associated with them. This field is both innovative, promising and highly sensitive.
Friday, September 08, 2023
In the insurance sector, professionals are facing growing challenges in terms of customer experience. Customer expectations are evolving rapidly, digital transformation is taking hold, and personalization is becoming paramount.
thursday, june 29, 2023
Employee satisfaction has a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Satisfied employees are more committed, productive and deliver quality service. Investing in employee satisfaction creates a virtuous circle where happy teams contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty. It's an essential lever for long-term business success.
Monday June 12, 2023
Faced with all the feedback you receive from your customers and/or employees, it can be difficult to prioritize your corrective actions. Here's how...
Friday May 12, 2023
Once again this year, we were present at the Stratégies Clients trade show. Whether through conferences, workshops or even direct discussions on our stand, we identified 3 major trends in the field of customer listening. 2 of these relate directly to the emotion of the customer experience, and the 3rd to the extra soul that companies today need to add to their value proposition.
thursday april 27, 2023
Has a customer responded to your satisfaction survey and expressed dissatisfaction? Before this shows up on social networks, you need to call them.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Why is it so important to respond to customer reviews left on online review sites?
wednesday, february 15, 2023
What is the best way to set up a customer satisfaction survey when you are a bank or an insurance company?
Monday, January 30, 2023
According to INSEE, nearly one third of the population will be over 60 years old in 2060. The ageing of the population can be explained in particular by the progress made in health over the last few decades and is accompanied by new expectations on the part of senior citizens, both in terms of comfort of life and social relations.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
You can no longer ignore online customer reviews, they have become ubiquitous, they are credible and, as we now know, they can destroy the e-reputation of a company.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021