Our mission: to make customer feedback analysis a sustainable growth lever for companies.
Offering the best Feedback Management solution on the market, rich in features while remaining easy to use for all employees... this is what drives us since the beginning of the SatisFactory adventure.
Bertrand CHRISTOPHE, Fabien HOURI and Thomas GERAULT
Co-founders of SatisFactory
13 years ago, we were among the first French publishers to offer an online questionnaire tool.
After a hundred or so projects, a complete overhaul of our software platform, and a few sleepless nights, we now offer a brand new SaaS customer satisfaction management solution: Feedback.
Feedback's ambition is to allow management and operational staff to access the information that is useful to them. Beyond the centralization of customer feedback from all media, the ambition is to allow their analysis and understanding through an easy to use platform. Putting the user experience at the heart of our priorities so that the data can be exploited quickly and transformed into strategic and operational levers of action.
Nous sommes fiers de notre plateforme de feedback management qui a déjà fait ses preuves auprès de plus de 70 grands comptes et 15 000 utilisateurs. Nous proposons des offres pour toutes les entreprises, les petites, les grandes, les réseaux, qu’elles soient matures sur le sujet du feedback management ou que ce soit le début d’une nouvelle démarche.
We're not stopping there, we have many more new features planned for this year!
to customers and employees alike
Raising problems is good,
finding solutions is better
Initiating and adopting
the change
Work is not only a source of income, it is also a source of fulfillment
The well-being of our employees
is as important as that of our
our customers
Grow and learn,